Music from across the Pond

I get a little bit of e-mail asking me to review music but not that much. I'm not that big yet. I get to it all eventually, I'm always a little pressed for time but I did get around to checking out a song sent to me by BPM (Boys Playing Music) from the UK. Normally listening to music from overseas is odd because of the accents; nothing personal, it just always seems to hit the ear oddly. This 'single' though is very listenable, sort of like Estelle can be not only tolerated but jammed to. That's two major hurdles, overcoming an accent and making a solid single. Shouts out to BPM, here is their myspace and twitter if you want to follow them

I don't think I've ever posted my twitter on here so if you want to follow me hit up
Here is the link to the song:
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